Google's voice assistant he still has a long way to go. Although it already recognizes a lot of commands and does a considerable number of things, we are still waiting for aspects such as the famous activation command to be customized.
I personally don't like "OK Google" too much, and it would be great if we could at least use other triggers like "Hey Google", as allowed by the Anglo-Saxon version of this service. Doing a couple of quick Google searches I discovered that there were methods to change the activation voice to "Hey Jarvis". Wouldn't it be brutal to be able to talk to Google as if it were the artificial intelligence of Tony Stark, Iron Man himself?
Can the activation command of the Google Assistant be changed to "Hey Jarvis" or any other preset phrase?
Unfortunately that's something that could be done ... until a few years ago. The trick was to install "Open Mic +”, A continuous listening app that allows us set a custom voice command to perform certain actions, such as, for example, open the virtual assistant of our Android device or Google Home.
While preparing this tutorial, I installed the app in question, only to open the app and discover that unfortunately Google had asked the developer stop using your listening engine.
This app has not been updated for 4 years, and it is no longer useful for much. Do not install it.Conclusion, the application works halfway, and it does not serve to change the activation command of OK Google, which is what we are looking for. The developer recommends using the app Commandr as an alternative, but it seems that this tool has also stopped working (and exists).
Other valid activation commands for the Google voice assistant
Voucher. So we can't change the voice activation command. Of course, what no one prevents us is to play a little with the assistant to make it believe that we are saying "OK Google" when it really is not.
Let me explain, not everyone vocalizes or reads "OK Google" in the same way. That is something that Google programmers have taken into account, and therefore, the assistant is quite permissive when listening to the activation “magic words”.
Therefore, we can use some phonetic variants that the voice recognition system accepts as valid. By doing a few tests, I have managed to get the wizard to recognize the following activation commands:
- OK Gu Gu
- Ok bubel
- Ok gugun
- OK Bugel
- Ok dugel
- Ok gubu
- OK Gugen
These are just 7 examples that I have been able to get out by saucing with the microphone for a while. OK Gu Gu's looks pretty funny to me, so I'll just start using it from now on. But OK Bugel is not bad either (which reminds us of Spiderman's mythical Daily Bugle) and OK Gugen also has its crumb (perfect for art lovers, referring to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao).
When we use any of these activation phrases, the system recognizes them without problems.In addition to these alternative commands, blog readers have found other compatible activation voices, which also work perfectly to awaken the Google Assistant from its slumber:
- Ok goku
- OK, Jose (stressing the "o" instead of the "e")
- Ok brother
- OK Gambol (from the Amazing World of Gumball)
- Ok Gúru
- OK Gorgonio
- Ok gu
- Ok Bubu (Yogi Bear's friend)
Many thanks to Marcos, DAVID, John Larz, Marco1971, Emmanuel, Rafael, Fer Solano, Carlos and other friends for your contributions :) If you discover any other command with which to “hack the mind” of the assistant, do not hesitate to share it on the comment area.
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