Android Themes: Dragon Ball Super Broly - Customize your mobile!

Last week the first official trailer for the upcoming Dragon Ball movie was released, “Dragon Ball Super: Broly”. It is just the excuse I needed to prepare a new post on "Customize your mobile!" dedicated to our favorite manga. There are still 5 months to go until its release in Japan, so let's work on that “hype” little by little.

As is usual in all the themes for Android that I prepare in this section, it is not necessary to have root permissions, and all apps and widgets are free. That said, if you want to personalize your tablet or phone with the new Goku and Vegeta movie for 2018, you just have to follow the instructions that I leave below.

Customize your Android with the theme "Dragon Ball Super: Broly"

This sample that you see above corresponds to the aforementioned customization issue. Everything revolves around the colors green and blue, which means that on the one hand, we have modified the original colors of the promotional poster so that they fit better with the general tone of the theme and we have put some green widgets. For the icons, I have opted for a resplendent design that is reminiscent of the aura of Super Saiyan Blue, and in this case, it is luxurious along with the rest of the elements.


The launcher used is Nova Launcher. It is a very versatile launcher that allows us to make a large number of adjustments, and the truth is that for this type of thing it is great.

As is other times, Nova is configured with infinite cube-shaped scrolling, dark appearance and app drawer that opens swiping up from the dock.


The icon pack used is "The Grid”. It's nice you know that there are still good icons that we can download for free from the Play Store. This is one of them. Some icons, by the way, that also fit perfectly with type designs synth eighties.


For this topic we have used 2 widgets.

  • Google search engine: This widget is available within the catalog of Ocea for KWGT and your name is "Pokémon 45”.
  • Day, time and battery: This other widget also enters Ocea's repertoire and is called “ocea-k 03”.

In order to apply the Ocea for KWGT widgets it is necessary to install the widget editor KWGT Kustom Widget Maker.


The promotional poster with the modified color palette can be downloaded directly from HERE.

And finally, if you still haven't been able to enjoy the aforementioned trailer ...

If you have any suggestions for future themes, don't hesitate to visit the comments area!

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