The local user of a computer has been locked out for entering the wrong password too many times.
To unblock it, log in to the affected computer with another user. This user must have administrator permission.
Once logged in you must go to «Home-> Team»And by right-clicking select«Manage«.
The «Team management«. Go to «Computer Management (local) -> Local Users and Groups-> Users«.
Select the blocked user with the right mouse button and choose «Set password ...»
Once you change the password, the user will be unlocked, and with the new password assigned.
Unlock a local user remotely
You can perform this same task from another computer if it is in the same network and you have a user administrator of the affected equipment.
It is enough that you carry out the same process («Home-> Team-> Manage ») but this time from your computer. In this case, once the team manager is open, just go to «Action-> Connect with another computer ...«.
Write the name of the affected computer and press «To accept«.
At this time the system may ask you for administrator user credentials (in the event that the user with whom you have logged into your computer is a user without permissions), enter the credentials and you will see how now you have the ability to manage the affected computer in remote.
Proceed to unlock («Computer Management (xxxx) -> Local Users and Groups-> Users»And select«Set password»About the blocked user).
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