Canbor Bluetooth 4.1 Headphones: The best in-ear headphones for sports? - The Happy Android

Being able to listen to music or a good podcast while doing sports, for many it is indispensable. Not only does it help us to catch up with our discography, but it also helps to evade the mind and to exercise with the typical "power upWhat we feel when we listen to that stimulating hymn.

Usually the biggest problem in this regard is usually the headphones. We need helmets that are able to withstand a good workout. and that they do not let go at the first change. Our best bet yet: the Bluetooth headphones from Canbor.

Canbor Wireless Headphones - Great Bluetooth 4.1 Headphones for Going Out for a Run

Canbor's in-ear headphones have several features that make them the perfect accessory not only for listening to music at home or on the go, but they are especially attractive for runners and athletes.

They have a nano coating to prevent water and sweat from leaking (IPX5 protection), they have APT-X technology and HD sound, but above allThey offer some of the best grip we've seen in a long time.

It is usually best in these cases to take a look directly. Here you have our particular unboxing and review of these excellent BT headphones:

Technical characteristics

Canbor's wireless helmets, in addition to presenting a very satisfactory finish and manufacture, present the following technical specifications:

  • Bluetooth 4.1.
  • APT-X audio decoding technology.
  • High fidelity HD sound.
  • Resistance to water (IPX5) and sweat.
  • Microphone with CVC6.0 HD noise cancellation system.
  • 110mAh rechargeable battery.
  • 8 hours of use after a full charge of 2 hours.
  • Built-in microphone (hands-free).

On the other hand, the headphones also have 3 small buttons to increase / decrease volume or change tracks, and Play / Pause button. And how could it be otherwise, is compatible with both Android and iOS.

Use experience

The last in-ear headphones that I have tried were ones that were worth twice as much, and the truth is that to be worth what they are worth, I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of these Canbor. Both the bass and treble sound really good, they sound great, and the battery lasts longer than enough. But the best of all without a doubt is its great grip.

They are perfect for going for a run or going to the gym and listening to music, because it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to pop out of your ears. In that aspect we have to give it an outstanding, unequivocally.

For the rest, it also has a built-in microphone, which means that we can make use of its hands-free function and answer calls directly. Also, the pairing runs very smoothly (no problem so far).

Price and availability

These Canbor Brand Bluetooth 4.1 Headphones are currently priced at about 30 euros on Amazon. A fairly balanced price that provides a great value for money.

If we are interested in getting them and we are residents in Spain, we can use the following coupon on Amazon to get an interesting 20% ​​discount:

Coupon Code: R8O6OJY3

In short, a quality Bluetooth headset that all athletes and runners will especially like thanks to its great grip and really successful design.

Amazon | Buy Canbor wireless headphones

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