Beep codes on PC startup - The Happy Android

Whenever we start our equipment, the BIOS performs certain checks on the motherboard. And what is the BIOS? The BIOS (Basic Input / Output System - Basic Input / Output System) is a very simple software that is responsible for loading the operating system into the PC's RAM memory, and also performs some general checks. If when you start up your computer you notice that it emits strange beeps ... it means that you have a problem.

It is assumed that there is a standard for these types of beeps or beep codes, but I advise you to check the meaning of the beep codes of your motherboard on the manufacturer's website or similar, since depending on the company that manufactures the plates the meaning of some beeps may vary. Some boards are made by IBM, some are made by Phoenix, some are from American Megatrends etc. and in each house the standard may be somewhat different.

Basically, the standard that I comment on is the following:

No beep: In the event that you do not hear any beep you have 3 possibilities:

1- Everything is correct (some motherboards do not emit any beep if everything is OK).

2- The internal speaker is faulty.

3- The motherboard is broken or it is a power failure.

A short beep: It means that everything is fine.

Single continuous beep: Power failure. It may be because the motherboard is faulty or because there is no power to the motherboard.

Continuous short beeps: Bad motherboard.

One long beep: RAM memory problems. It may be damaged or misplaced. Try reconnecting it to the board or swap it out for another that you know works.

One long and one short beep: Either it is a motherboard failure or a BIOS (ROM) error. If you think it may be an error in the BIOS, you can try updating it.

One long and two short beep: Graphics card failure. It may be that the graph is badly connected, that the port is faulty or that the graph itself is broken.

Two long beeps and one short: Failed to perform image synchronization.

Two short beeps: Memory parity error. Today these types of errors no longer occur. You see, in the past, computers used to carry RAM memory in modules two by two, the modules were always in pairs. Well, this error means that there is an error in that pairing.

Three short beeps: Error in the first 64 Kb of RAM.

Four short beeps: Timer or counter failure.

Five short beeps: Processor or graphics card blocked.

Six short beeps: Keyboard failure. Either the keyboard is faulty or the PS2 or USB port of your computer is broken.

Seven short beeps: Active AT processor virtual mode.

Eight short beeps: Video RAM write failure.

Nine short beeps: BIOS RAM checksum error.

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