The 10 best bots for Telegram - The Happy Android

Telegram It is one of the most powerful alternatives to WhatsApp that we can find today. Not only in terms of privacy (much safer than the Facebook app), but also due to the large number of advantages it offers compared to WhatsApp.

One of its most outstanding characteristics is the use of bots, thanks to which we can obtain functionalities that escape from what we usually find in an instant messaging app "to use".

What is a bot and what is it for?

Basically, a bot (derived from the term "robot") is a computer application designed to carry out a certain task automatically. This makes it widely used in the field of online chat, since it is really practical to offer quick answers to frequently asked questions.

Thus, when we use the chat offered by some stores, websites or portals, many times we are communicating with a bot, which has been programmed to satisfy all the doubts that we may have as customers of their service. For companies it is a more than ideal solution, since this way they avoid having a "real" person in charge of the chat 24 hours a day, which (once the initial development cost has been paid) is much more profitable in the long term.

The bots that we can find in Telegram also fall into the category of conversational chats, although their functions they are the most diverse. To use a bot on Telegram, just type your username in the search bar and open a chat. Once we have started the conversation, we can start it up simply by typing the command "/ start”.

The 10 best bots for Telegram

Next, we review 10 of the best bots that we can currently find on the platform.

File to Bot

Excellent bot that offers Unlimited free cloud storage service. All we have to do is attach any file to the chat and the bot will automatically store it, allowing us to create a download link that we can then share with other people. Available in Spanish.

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Dr. Web

The first anti-virus bot in history and a simply indispensable security tool. The Dr. Web bot scans any file or link shared on Telegram on the fly for viruses or any other type of threat. We can add you to any group to make it work automatically, or send you files in your own chat for you to analyze. Available in Spanish.

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Text to Speech Bot

Another productivity-oriented bot that allows us pass text messages to audio. We enter the text we want to convert and the bot will automatically return an audio track with Loquendo's voice that we can then download or share. There are several languages ​​available, including Spanish.

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Amazon Search and Price

Also known as @AmazonGlobalBot, this nice bot is able to offer really useful information about items available on Amazon. It works in any chat or group, simply by typing @amazonglobalbot and the name of the product that interests us. Next, we will be shown several options, we select the one that interests us and we can see the price history of that product over time.

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Bot Father

One of the most powerful bots that exist for Telegram. With this tool we can create and configure our own bots: a must have. If we are thinking of developing our own bot, it is also advisable to take a look prior to THIS POST on the official Telegram website, where they reveal all the keys to the process.

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The IMBDC bot allows us to search for movies without leaving Telegram. We just have to write @imdb followed by the name of the movie and we will be shown a drop-down with the search result. The best of all is that works in any chat that we have open in Telegram.

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The weather bot

Do you want to know the weather forecast for your locality without leaving Telegram? With the weather bot, we can get a forecast for the next 3 days simply by typing the command “/ weather”. Perfect to stay informed without having to install any weather app on your mobile (which are not bad at all, but they consume a lot of battery). Unlike other famous “weather bots” like @WeatherMan, this one is in perfect Spanish.

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Podcast Bot

One of the most interesting bots in Spanish is this Podcast Bot (@podcast_bot). It is designed to do podcast searches and show information, images and feeds that we can later add to our favorite podcatcher app.

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Bot designed to offer up-to-date stock market information on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. If we have this type of assets and we want to keep a record, consult histories and evolutionary charts with all kinds of relevant data, we should definitely take a look at it. A very complete tool, with dozens of commands available for all kinds of queries.

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@ Noticias24H_bot is a bot for Telegram that is responsible for keeping us permanently informed through news from various sources such as the BBC, El Pais, El Mundo and YouTube videos. The news arrives every 5 minutes or less, so it may be advisable to silence your notifications if we do not want to be “scorched”, informatively speaking.

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And what do you say, which is your favorite Telegram bot?

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