The 6 best alternatives to Google+ - The Happy Android

Just 7 days after the disappearance of Google+ on April 2, many people have begun to wonder what will happen from now on. Apart from making a backup copy and downloading all our data from Google Plus, we will have no choice but to turn the page and look for alternatives.

It may sound silly, but many of the Google+ users are unwilling to switch to Facebook or Twitter. As popular as these platforms are, they are quite different environments, with different "rules of conduct" that may not appeal to everyone. Are there real alternatives to Google Plus?

The best alternatives to Google+: 6 social networks that you should not lose sight of

Google Plus communities and groups have already started to move, and while there doesn't seem to be a clear heir yet, everyone seems to be aiming for MeWe as one of the most interesting alternatives to Google+.


One of the great strengths of MeWe is its focus on user privacy. No ads, trackers, or data collection, something that attracts many, in clear contrast to other much more popular social networks such as Facebook.

MeWe has 3 types of groups:

  • Private groups: Invitation required.
  • Selectives: Requires approval to enter the group.
  • Open: Free access.

Each group has a chat that supports voice and video calls. It also has some features similar to Google+, such as Circles and the Collections. In addition, it also allows you to follow hashtags.

In another little nod to the integration that existed between Google+ and Google Drive, MeWe also offers 8GB of free cloud storage space.

MeWe is accessible both in web version and in app format.

Download QR-Code MeWe Developer: MeWe Price: Free


No matter how powerful and successful a social network may seem, it is always in danger of disappearing and having its servers shut down forever. Losing millions of data in the existential vacuum of the digital ether itself.

To combat that occasional loss there are networks like Mastodon, a decentralized social network. Anyone can create their own server node within the Mastodon network.

This decentralized nature, however, means that there is much less regulation. Each server can establish its own moderation policies and conditions of use. Something that on the other hand can be attractive to an audience that seeks freedom above all else.

In terms of features, Mastodon is a lot more like Twitter, with an interface much like TweetDeck.

Mastodon is accessible through any browser (HERE) and also in app format. It currently has more than 1,500,000 users.

Download QR-Code Tusky for Mastodon Developer: Keyless Palace Price: Free


Like Mastodon, Diaspora is a decentralized social network, and it has some very similar characteristics to Google+.

One of them is the "Aspects", a function very similar to the Circles Google+, which allows us classify our contacts by categories. Thus, when we publish content, we can choose to share it with only one (or more) of our “Aspects”. The platform also allows you to forward posts and make @ mentions.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest drawbacks to Diaspora is that it has no groups. We can use hashtags to search for related content, but in no case would it serve as an alternative to host all those large Google+ communities that have been left homeless.

Finally, comment that Diaspora does not have a policy that requires us to use our real name, like Google+. Something that does not happen for example with other social networks such as Facebook.

Currently its number of users is about 650,000.

Enter Diaspora


If we look for something that is the closest visually speaking to Google Plus, that's Minds. The publications of this social network are shown divided into 3 columns, with content from the people and groups we follow. And it also takes some elements from Reddit, like the ability to upvote or downvote a post.

However, at heart Google+ and Minds are quite different. The platform uses blockchain, and the platform pays users with Mind Tokens (based on Ethereum) for creating popular content. From here, we can use those tokens to exchange them for prizes, buy advertising space or subscribe to P2P content.

It should be remembered, in any case, that, although Minds is based on blockchain, it is still a private company. We comment on it because the platform does not make any reference to the privacy and user data, something that will undoubtedly set back more than one.

Enter Minds


OK, Telegram is not a social network as such. But it is much more than an outright messaging platform. If we are looking for an interactivity similar to what we had in some Google+ communities, we will certainly take advantage of Telegram's "Channels" function. Chat groups where we can talk, share content and store it in the cloud for the rest of the group members, create a debate or simply read publications.

Many blogs and content creators have their small plot in Telegram, and given its commitment to privacy it is one of the most powerful alternatives for the proliferation of thematic communities.

It also has its drawbacks, and that is that it is still a chat app, which means that we cannot give likes or have a "wall" or homepage on which to publish content, beyond the aforementioned Channels.

Download Telegram for Windows

Download QR-Code Telegram Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC Price: Free


BuddyPress is another tool that also escapes from traditional RRSS. It is a plugin for WordPress that allows small groups and communities to create their own particular social network. Something that can work quite well to bring together people who share the same common interest (teammates from a soccer team, friends from the gym, classmates, fans of whatever, etc.).

If we have (or had) a community on Google+ and we know something about how WordPress works, this can be a good alternative. The platform offers customizable profile fields, various privacy settings and the ability to create sub-groups within a single BuddyPress installation.

All this together with a private messaging tool a good number of additional plugins for a greater number of extra functionalities.

Enter BuddyPress

Basically, these are the main alternatives to Google+. If you know of any other social network that is worthwhile, do not hesitate to share it in the comments area.  

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