The best apps to customize the ringtone on Android

At the time of the first Nokia, when the mythical snake game was present in every corner, the famous polytones were all the rage. You could personalize the ringtone of the mobile with your favorite songs and soundtracks. Imagine how popular they were that they were even advertised on television!

From the midi ringtones we went to the “ringtones”, and although they no longer have as much pull as they used to, they are still a must for those who like to personalize their mobile or tablet. In today's post we take a good look at the best apps to create, change and customize the ringtone of calls that we receive on our phone.

The 5 best apps to personalize ringtones and notifications on Android

The sounds for calls and notifications have evolved as is logical, and we can now use real audio tracks in MP3 or WAV and assign them to the ringtone of a specific contact. The same happens if we want to change the sound that our Android device emits when receiving a notification. These are the best apps we have found to carry out this task. Do not lose sight of them!

Note: If you want to know in detail how to change the ringtone of one or more contacts manually, do not lose sight of this other POST.


We start with the king of ringtones and wallpapers for Android. An essential app where we will find thousands and thousands of melodies, sounds and funny phrases to personalize our terminal.

It has a lot of current songs, in addition to a bunch of categories: Alternative, Animals, Blues, Bollywood, Classical, Comedy, Children, Dance, Electronic and a long etcetera. The best of its kind, by far.

Download QR-Code ZEDGE ™ Ringtones and Backgrounds Developer: Zedge Price: Free

2. Audiko

Audiko Ringtones is another really popular app. In addition to having a wide selection of ringtones classified by categories, it has top national lists of the best tones and more than frequent updates.

Its great asset is that it has a tone editor. It is deicr. that allows us to create our own personalized tones from songs and audio tracks that we have stored in the phone.

Download QR-Code Audiko Ringtones for Android PRO Developer: Audiko Ringtones Price: Free

3. Ringdroid

We finish this particular Hall of Fame of ringtones and melodies for calls with RingDroid. This very interesting 100% ad-free open source app has already had more than 50 million downloads, and an excellent rating from its users. Well deserved accolades, as this is about the best creator and editor of ringtones, alarms and notifications that we can find in Android. In addition to being able to edit our own tracks, it has a wide selection of sounds that we can also use.

Download QR-Code Ringdroid Developer: Ringdroid Team Price: Free

4. MTP Tunes and wallpapers

Application very similar to ZEDGE, with ringtones for calls, notifications and wallpapers. However, although it has a good catalog, it does not reach the level of quality of ZEDGE. It hasn't been updated since last year, so that's probably why it feels a bit outdated.

In any case, it is an app that is well worth a look: it has a very good rating on Google Play, with 4.1 stars and more than 1 million downloads.

Download QR-Code Ringtones and Wallpapers Developer: MyTinyPhone Price: Free

5. Pi Music Player

If we want to cut a song that we have on our mobile to put it as a ringtone, we can make use of the Pi music player. Although it is not the best player in the world, it does have a built-in tool (called ringtone cutter) for cut and create ringtones and notifications that surpass other similar applications thanks to its great ease of use.

Download QR-Code Pi Music Player - for MP3, YouTube music Developer: Musicophilia - Free Music Apps Price: Free

The Google Play Store is littered with other similar customization apps, but I think these are the most notable and prominent. If you think that I left an important mention in the inkwell, do not hesitate to stop by the comments area.

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