I can't change the lock screen image on Android, Solution!

The truth is that it is something that pisses me off quite a bit. A silly mistake, but incredibly difficult to fix in principle. From one day to the next, when selecting “Set as…"In an image, the option to set it to"lockscreen image" simply has disappeared from my Android phone. Next, I explain how I managed to solve this problem.

The lock screen button has completely disappeared, what do I do now?

Before starting, I would like to explain how I got to this situation - it would be interesting to know if the rest of the people who have had this problem have had the same thing. I like to test apps that offer wallpapers for Android, and I am always installing new applications with all kinds of wallpapers.

The one I like the most is Walli, but lately I've been tinkering with several new apps, and I have the feeling that they have had something to do with this mess. Cause and effect or mere coincidence? I do not know.

What I do have clear is that, since then, if I select an image from my gallery it won't let me set it as "Lock screen". That option has completely disappeared. I can set it as a WhatsApp profile photo, as a wallpaper -only for the home screen- or as a contact photo, but nothing else.

Solution # 1: Set the lock image from the Android settings menu or from the desktop

Instead of setting the lock screen image from the gallery or the wallpapers app on duty, we can also try to change it from the settings or from the home.

Change wallpaper from Android settings

We are going to "Settings -> Display -> Wallpaper”, And from here we select an image to set as the lock screen.

If we have a smartphone with a more recent version of Android, such as Android 10, we just have to navigate to «Settings -> Display -> Styles and wallpapers«, And from there enter«Wallpaper«. This will take us to a new configuration menu where we can:

  • View the wallpapers that are currently set on the lock screen and home screen.
  • Change the current wallpapers from the list that we find available in «Wallpaper categories«. Here we can choose between photos from our gallery or various predetermined backgrounds (landscapes, textures, life, art, geometric shapes, etc.).

Set wallpaper from desktop

From the home screen or home from Android we make a long press. 3 new buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen. We select "Wallpapers”And from here we try to set a new lock screen wallpaper.

If we have a mobile or tablet with Android 10 the process is very similar. By long pressing on the desktop a small box will appear with 3 options: «Screen settings«, «Widgets" and "Styles and wallpapers«. By checking the latter, the system will take us to the settings screen from where we can change the wallpaper of our Android without too many complications.

In my case, neither of these 2 methods worked - the problem was still there - and I had to find my life with a solution of my own making ...

Solution # 2: Install Google Wallpapers to manage the lock screen

In my head the idea that it had been a wallpaper app that had caused all this mess, so I did 2 things:

  • Uninstall all wallpapers apps and wallpapers of my mobile phone.
  • Install the application "Google Wallpapers”. Nothing better than an app from the same Android creators to solve the mess.

The application "Wallpapers" developed by Google allows us to manage the wallpapers that we set both on the home or desktop screen and on the lock screen. It offers its own wallpapers, but it also lets us use the images that we have stored in our terminal.

Now, I do all the management of my Android wallpapers with this application, and I can now put and remove images on the lock screen without problems. In addition, it has a pretty nice wallpapers catalog, so honey on flakes.

Download QR-Code Wallpapers Developer: Google LLC Price: Free

In essence, it is most likely that, from the beginning, some wallpapers app - or even a launcher - would have taken over the management of the lock screen, establishing itself as the default application. Therefore, it could also have been solved by locating this app, clearing the cache and resetting the section «Open by default« in the app settings. In my case, unfortunately, this never worked.

I understand that restoring the system to its factory state would also solve the problem, but if we want to avoid a measure as forceful as this, using the aforementioned Google app is a quick and easy solution to carry out.

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