Netflix: how to disable autoplay for trailers

Netflix has listened to the complaints of its users, and for a few days it already allows disable the autoplay or autoplay of all those trailers and video clips that load "by magic" when we hover over a title in the navigation menu. Something that is quite annoying when all we want is to see an episode of our favorite series or movie in 4K and we do not want to be bombarded for the umpteenth time with the last premiere of the week.

How to disable autoplay of trailers on Netflix

The Netflix streaming service has several features that are difficult to find by yourself, such as the famous secret codes that allow us to discover the platform's hidden catalog. And although the settings related to automatic playback are not something that is so difficult to locate, the truth is that they are not in plain sight either.

The first thing to mention is that Netflix distinguishes between two types of autoplay. On the one hand, there is the function that plays the next chapter in a series “straight away” when the previous chapter has just finished. And then there is the autoplay that activates the trailers and content previews when we are inside the navigation menu or main screen of Netflix.

That said, we can modify either of those two settings by following these steps:

  • From a browser we log into Netflix.
  • Next, click on the icon of our profile located in the upper right margin.
  • We click on "Manage profiles”And select our user profile.

  • This will take us to the menu of "Edit profile", Where we will deactivate the"Automatically play trailers while browsing on all devices”.

  • Finally, click on "Keep”To apply the new settings.

A feature that is not yet available in the mobile app

We have also tried to make these changes from the Netflix Android app, but for now the app does not yet have these configuration options (It only lets us change the name of the profile and little else). In any case, we understand that it will be a matter of time -or a new update- that Netflix allows us to reconfigure the automatic playback of its content without having to open the browser. At least for now, we have no choice but to settle and rejoice that the streaming company has finally decided to include the control of these types of settings within its service.

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