Solution to error code 20006 (Easy Anti-Cheat) in Fortnite and others

When trying to open some games like Fortnite, Dragon Ball FighterZ or For Honor On our PC, sometimes we can find some startup failures. One of the best known is the Error code 20006 (Cannot create service (StartService failed: 1058)).

In addition to error 20006 (1058) there are other similar variants such as error code 20006 (1072) and (193). All these mistakes are related to the EasyAntiCheat program, and then we will try to explain how we can solve it in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

What is Easy Anti-Cheat?

The Easy Anti-Cheat is an application used to prevent players from cheating in a video game. If we did not know it until now, we must know that it is really popular, and that it is implemented on well-known platforms such as Steam, or Ubisoft's UPlay. We can also find this protection system in games like Ghost Recon, Watch Dogs 2, Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker or Smite, among many others.

If we have been banned for cheating in a game with EasyAntiCheat we will hardly be able to solve it, but if we have an error like the ones we have mentioned above, we can solve it by carrying out a couple of tests.

How to fix error code 20006 (StartService failed: 1058) and others

The boot failure indicating that the game cannot be started (error code 20006 (Cannot create service (StartService failed)means EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) is disabled or corrupted.

To reactivate the EAC anti-cheating system, we just have to go to the path where the Easy Anti-Cheat folder is, find the file EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe and run it. The folder is usually located "C: / Program Files (x86)"Inside the game folder, in the subfolder"Binaries / win64 / EasyAntiCheat”.

When opening the setup file we select the game that is giving us problems and click on the button "Srepair service. This should fix and reactivate the service, thus solving the problem.

Other solutions for error code 20006

The service repair tool is the most common solution. However, this may not solve our problem. Here are other possible alternatives that we can use.

Alternative # 2: reinstall Easy Anti-Cheat

Next to the "Repair Service" button in the Anti-Cheat configuration menu we will find an option that allows us to uninstall the service. Once uninstalled, we can reinstall it and solve the problem.

It doesn't stand out too much, but at the bottom left there is an option to uninstall the service.

If we are playing through the launcher of the Epic Games Store, it is also advisable to enter the library, click on the settings to"Verify" the game.

Alternative # 3: check the location of the EasyAntiCheat folder

Game cannot be started: CError code 20006 (Unable to create service (StartService failed: 193)). This variant of the error can be caused by a failure in the folder location where the EAC is installed.

In other words, it may be that the folder where the EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe file is located is not located within the same folder of the game.

Relocate the folder within the game. For example, in Fortnite Battle Royale, the path should be in "Fortnite \ FortniteGame \ Binaries \ Win64 \ EasyAntiCheat”.

Finally, open EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe, uninstall the service and reinstall it.

Alternative # 4: rebuild the EAC driver

Another solution can be to return to general the EasyAntiCheat driver.

  • For this we go to C: / Windows / system32 / drivers.
  • We locate the file EasyAntiCheat.sys and we rename it to sys_old.
  • We restart the game.

Finally, it is also advisable to close and log in to the game again.

Alternative # 5: turn to the Easy Anti-Cheat knowledge base

On the Easy Anti-Cheat official website we will find a knowledge base with help tutorials for all the games that use its anti-cheat system. We can consult it HERE.

It is a very interesting source of information, since it offers individualized solutions for each of its games.

Alternative # 6: Windows version compatibility conflict

This last solution takes into consideration a possible conflict between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. This can happen if we have a computer with a 64-bit version of Windows or a Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher.

When the Easy Anti-Cheat application is installed, the system generates a Windows Service pointing to the path C: \ Windows \ System32 \ EasyAntiCheat.exe. However, if the installer detects that it is a 64-bit system, it will erroneously place it in the C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 folder.

To fix it, we just have to go into the SysWOW64 folder and move the EasyAntiCheat.exe file to C: \ Windows \ System32.

As you can see there are several things that we can try to solve the error code 20006 (errors 1058, 1072 and 193) in PC games on Steam and other platforms. If you know of any other method or alternative that fixes the problem, do not hesitate to share it in the comments area.

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