26 free courses to learn how to create Android apps

Have you ever thought about developing your own mobile app? If you are bitten by the programming bug, or if you simply want to learn something new, you may be interested in signing up for one of the Android development courses that we have compiled for today's post.

The courses are conducted through Udemy, the well-known online learning platform for professionals, and are completely free and in Spanish. In some cases, we may also obtain a certificate of completion upon completion of the training.

26 free courses in Spanish to learn how to develop apps for Android

Speaking of the content of the courses as such, mention that practically all of them are geared towards App Inventor and App Inventor 2. This is a software development environment created by Google Labs for the development of Android applications, visually using a set of basic tools.

Basically we could say that App Inventor is aimed at people not familiar with programming, which means that we do not need previous knowledge or great notions of development to be able to take advantage of it.

App Inventor 2 NxtLightSensor
Discover Inventor App 2: Yandex.Translate Component
App Inventor 2: VideoPlayer
Discover App Inventor ListView
Proximity sensor inventor app
Learn App Inventor All about the Button
APP Inventor and its HorizontalArrangement component
AppInvento2 ImagePicker
AppInventor: All about the Label component
Learn to use »Orientation Sensor» in App Inventor
Learn how to use the camcorder component in App Inventor
Barcode Scanner Component of App Inventor 2
SoundRecorder App Inventor 2 Component
Meet App inventor and its Camera component.
ButterKnife for Android development [2019]
Canvas component
Marker component
How to use the Sound component
Discover App Inventor: ImageSprite
Learn how to use Rectangle in App Inventor
Discover SpeechRecognizer in App Inventor
Android mobile application development without programming
Learn how to use the camcorder component in App Inventor
List Picker-App Inventor
Slider & Introduction to AppInventor
Vertical Scroll Arrangement

If you have found these courses interesting, do not hesitate to take a look at the rest of the entries about free online courses that we can find here on the web.

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