VT: How to Change the Hard Drive of a Desktop PC

In the next VideoTutorial we can appreciatehow to change the hard drive of a desktop computer. The steps to follow to change the hard disk of any manufacturer of desktop PCs are always the same, and the following:

  • Remove the side cover screws (sometimes 2 covers) from the tower.
  • Locate the old hard drive that you are going to change. Remove the cables that connect to the power supply and the motherboard.
  • Remove the screws that secure the hard drive to the tower.
  • Place the new hard drive and screw it to the tower.
  • Reconnect the data and power cables.
  • Boot the computer and install the Operating System.

The next video can be a very good example of how to change the hard drive of a desktop PC. Available on YouTube and made by HBT:

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