Android Themes: Venom - Customize your mobile! - The Happy Android

At last the film of Venom and from what it seems the critic is making her fall from a donkey. I'll personally wait to see her to have an opinion on it (although they say she plays in the same league as Green Lantern, Daredevil and the 4F ... bad vibes).

What I can tell you is that Venom is one of my favorite Spider-man characters, which is why we dedicate this elegant theme for Android. I remind you that all the icon packs and widgets used are free and that of course it is not necessary to have the mobile phone rooted or strange things to customize our phone in the following way.

Customize your Android with the Venom theme

This little GIF that we see above corresponds to the aforementioned Venom theme. It is a dark theme, with transparent glass icons and a couple of widgets that give it a certain «New Yorker«.


The launcher used is Nova Launcher, one of my favorites for this type of setting. Nova is configured with infinite cube-shaped scrolling, dark appearance, and an app drawer that opens by swiping up from the dock.

Download QR-Code Nova Launcher Developer: TeslaCoil Software Price: Free


The icon pack used is «Glass Pack Free«. There is also a paid version of this same pack, but with the free version we have more than enough.


For this topic we have included 2 widgets:

  • Google search engine: This widget is available within the catalog ofOcea for KWGTand his name is "Kustom 36”.
  • Day, hour, time and battery: This other widget also enters the Ocea repertoire and is called “Kustom 37”.

In order to apply the Ocea for KWGT widgets it is necessary to install the widget editorKWGT Kustom Widget Maker.


The Venom wallpaper can be found in Zedge, a very popular application that has a lot of wallpapers and other customization elements and is completely free.

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