8 Bit Photo Lab: A Lovely Photo Editor With Amazing Retro Filters - The Happy Android

8 Bit Photo Lab is an app that takes you back in time. Back to the time of the GameBoys, the NES, the Spectrum, the shoulder pads and the greasy Bollycaos. Do you remember when the arcade games were worth 25 pesetas and the best graphics you had ever seen were those of Mortal Kombat? 8 Bit Photo Lab is a simple photo editor for Android with some of the most retro and best made filters that we've seen in a long time. Pixel art in its purest form.

Retro filters reminiscent of consoles and games of yesteryear

If we have ever dreamed of appearing in a Commodore 64 game or in the Castlevania of the Gameboy Advance, now is our time. This photo editor has an interesting palette of filters and effects that turn our photos into authentic retro screenshots.

Old-school graphics with more than 40 different color palettes: GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, NES, TO7 / 70, Amstrad CPC 6128, Apple II, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 16 and 64, VIC 20, CGA, EGA, SAM Coupe, VGA etc.

In addition to the filter, each image has a fairly acceptable level of customization, allowing to regulate the level of resolution or pixel size, interlacing pattern, noise level and various other details.

One of the positive points of this application for Android is that, unlike other editors for this same platform, is capable of moving large images, with an output quality of up to 4096 x 4096 in PNG format, something that is appreciated (nothing is more annoying than having an image with a good editing job and not being able to export it to acceptable sizes for PCs or larger devices).

Download QR-Code 8Bit Photo Lab, Retro Effects Developer: Ilixa Price: Free

In short, 8 Bit Photo Lab is an application that will delight lovers of retro graphics, and that in addition to being easy to use, it delivers really satisfactory results. What, we take a Space Invaders?

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