The Different "Factory Restore" Modes of Windows 10 - The Happy Android

Windows 10, like other operating systems, allows you to perform certain restoration tasks. If we are not comfortable with Windows 10, or it does not work correctly, the system allows us to perform various actions to find a solution to our problem.

Basically if what we are looking for is either to return to a factory state, to a previous version of Windows or to load an image of the S.O. that we have stored, Windows 10 allows us to perform all these actions from a centralized panel.

Windows 10 restore and recovery features got me hooked

For this we must go to "Start -> Settings -> Update and security”And click on“Recovery”In the left side menu. We will be presented with a window with 3 different options:

From the recovery menu we can restore Windows to "factory status", go back to a previous version or load a system image

Reset this PC

The first option that Microsoft offers us if we are not comfortable with the state of our system is to restore the S.O. It is the same type of restoration that Android offers today, and basically consists of doing a clean reinstall of Windows. Of course, it also gives the option to keep personal files if we do not want to perform a total deletion. It is a good option if we have a specific problem or have been attacked by a virus. Also with the advantage that this time Windows will not ask us for the system installation disk, a very important factor.

We can choose to keep our personal files: Thanks Microsoft!

Go back to a previous build

This option allows us to go back to a previous version of Windows. If you have recently switched to Windows 10, you can go back to your previous version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, but beware: you can only do this if you installed it less than 30 days ago. When you install Windows 10 it reserves 20 GB with data from the previous operating system, a backup. As of the month of installation, the system deletes this backup, so there is no possibility of reversing the process.

Impractical and totally useless if we do not do it in less than 30 days after the installation of W10

Advanced Start

From the advanced start menu we can perform more complex tasks. Allows you to iron your computer by installing an image, installing another operating system by booting from USB / DVD, or restoring the system to previous save points. To access advanced startup, it is necessary to restart the system. Once restarted, in the menu that appears we must select "Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options”.

In addition to being able to reinstall the system, this menu offers many other features for use and configuration

From this new menu we can perform:

  • A restoration to a previous save point: This is a good option if we are used to creating restore points and we want to return to a point where we know that the system was working correctly.
  • A system image recovery: Allows us to install an image of the operating system. An image is an exact copy of the operating system with all the files and others that we have included in it, so if we have a base image, being able to install it in the event of any unforeseen event is a seamless alternative.

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