How to keep apps running with the screen off on Android

Have you ever tried to listen to a video clip of Youtube with screen off? If the answer is yes, you will have realized that currently that is impossible. Both YouTube and a good number of apps stop working when we turn off the screen of our Android phone or tablet. How can we solve it?Can we keep an app running with the screen turned off or locked?

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How to clone people with the mobile camera

In today's post we are going to talk about an app that I have been wanting to bring to the Happy Android. It is an Android application called Clone Camera, and it is real cinnamon stick. Thanks to this app we can take a photograph with several "instances" or clones of the same person. We are talking about clone, duplicate or multiply the presence of a person in a photo.

Read More Cloudflare's free DNS for faster browsing

Cloudflare just introduced your own DNS service for consumers, which promises increase internet connection speed of its users, as well as greater privacy. The DNS service uses //, and no, this is no joke. It is a DNS server that anyone can use on their computer or device. "The fastest consumer DNS service on the Internet, oriented to privacy" in the words of Cloudflare itself, which promises to clear the logs of all DNS queries in less than 24 hours.

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18 free online Python courses in Spanish

Python is a general-purpose programming language used to develop web and desktop applications. It also has a design that seeks to facilitate code reading, as well as facilitate data analysis and visualization. This allows programmers to create complex applications more easily, which also helps to make debugging much faster and more efficient.

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Cornerfly: give curved edges to your Android screen with this app

We started the week talking about a new customization app for Android. This time we are going to take a look atCornerfly, a free app whose function is to give the screen of any phone or tablet rounded edges with Android operating system.Curve your screen with CornerflyPhones with curved edges are the order of the day: they stylize and give the terminal a very attractive appearance.

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5 Powerful Facebook "Tricks" Very Few Know About

Although many people try to cheat in Facebook, the truth is that miracles do not exist. And most of those that appear in Google results are false or simply illegal, no matter where you look at them. Something quite logical, since the Facebook developers are on the move, and if they find any security breach or back door they disable it instantly.

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27 new free apps that you should not lose sight of

Hi friends! This Wednesday we will take the opportunity to take a look at the new free applications and games for Android that have appeared in the Google Play Store during the last month. All the applications we mentioned have a rating of more than 4 stars and are completely free.The truth is that they are not revolutionary applications that will discover gunpowder, but some can certainly be of some interest to more than one.

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The best hashtag apps for Instagram on Android

Although they say that "a picture is worth a thousand words" in the Internet world this has long ceased to be the case. On Instagram, for example, just as important as the photo we upload is the phrase we add in the description, and of course, the hashtags. You can have a great photo, but if it is not accompanied by some good hashtags, its scope and impact will most likely be greatly reduced.

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